Web3 Auth, Auth Service
As we already built up the connection between avatar and other identities. The idea of letting DApps have its own version of "Sign-in with Google/Twitter" came out naturally. Auth Service is designed to help DApps realize this capability.
How it works
Workflow of Auth with 3rd party platform
When a DApp initiates an authorization process, it must specify an AuthService
instance (We strongly recommend to self-host one) to carry out the authentication. (step 2)
begins by authenticating the identity using third-party platforms (e.g., Twitter ID).
Once authenticated, AuthService
queries the ProofService to check the binding avatar result of this identity. (step 3-4)
If the authenticated identity is associated with an Avatar, and this Avatar aligns with one of the pre-configured Avatars in AuthService
, then AuthService
grants the DApp permission to use the Avatar as its identity for a set experimental duration. (step 5-6)
This authorization is confirmed by signing a message. Instead of using the Avatar itself for this purpose, we introduce a 'subkey' to sign the message (this will be elaborated further in subsequent sections)(step 7).
The process concludes by redirecting to the DApp with the following parameters(step 8):
(string, required): Avatar public key hex string.expired_at
(string, required): UNIX timestamp.state
(string, required): State string passed from dApp.subkey
(string, required): Subkey public key hex string.subkey_cert_sig
(string, required): Subkey certification signature signed by Avatar, encoded in Base58.sig
(string, required): Signature ofavatar=${avatar}\nredirect_uri={redirect_uri}\nexpired_at=${expired_at}\nstate=${state}
singed by Subkey, encoded in Base58.
Understanding how it operates, the preliminary step before launching an instance of Auth Service
is to prepare a configuration file.There are three parts.
The Avatar and a subkey that is signed by the avatar:
In the configuration, the list of avatars represents the identity that can be authenticated by this instance of AuthService
. The private key is used to sign ta message, proving the ownership of the avatar. We strongly recommend using a subkey that is signed by the avatar instead of the avatar itself in the configuration. For enhanced security, it's advisable to generate a unique subkey for specific cases. This not only tailors the security to the situation but also minimizes the risk of exposing the avatar's private key.
Run the following command with generate_subkey.py to generate a new subkey and sign it with your Avatar private key:
pip install base58 eth_keys # skip if installed
python ./build/generate_subkey.py
Subkey is randomly generated so that you can regenerate and use a new subkey at any time.
OAuth Service configuration
In order to use the Oauth Service of Twitter/Discord/..., configurations like the following are necessary to be pre-configured in the AuthService (the platform depends on you, only need to put the configurations that you want to support).
ProofService Endpoint
The endpoint of ProofService
is configured to allow AuthService to retrieve the connections between the avatar and other identities.
The example of the whole configuration:
"Avatars": [
"Avatar": "avatar-public-key",
"Subkey": {
"PrivateKey": "the-private-key-that-signed-by-avatar",
"CertificationSignature": "signature-that-signed-by-avatar"
"Proof": {
"Endpoint": "https://proof-service.nextnext.id/"
"Discord": {
"ClientID": "123456789012345678",
"ClientSecret": "123456789012345678"
"Twitter": {
"ClientID": "aBcDEFG...",
"ClientSecret": "Hij123456..."
// ...
How to start up an AuthService
After preparing the configuration file, we can run it with docker. The auth service source code and instructor on how to run it with docker
Firstly, build the Docker image:
docker build -t authserver -f ./src/AuthServer.Server/Dockerfile .
Run the following command to run it once, replace /path/to/appsettings.Production.json
with your own configuration file path.
docker run --rm -p 80:80 -v /path/to/appsettings.Production.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json authserver