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Twitter-Wallet Binding

To get started, let's walk through a binding process with the most frequently used platform: Twitter - let's go!


  • Next.ID offers support for a standard REST API format across all services.
  • Familiarity with any programming language is sufficient for getting started.
  • For demonstration purposes, we primarily use Python, TypeScript, and Node.js, as these are among the most commonly used programming languages.
  • A basic understanding of cryptography will be beneficial.

New to this but keen on learning? Don't panic, you can learn it all in just a few hours!

Step-by-step: Setting up your first Avatar

In the Crypto world, a cryptographic key pair is what stands as one of your Avatars. Next.ID uses by far the most secure algorithm to protect your sovereignty: curve secp256k1.

We're showing it by using Python's secp256k1-py.

First, install secp256k1-py lib:

# get PIP installed in advance or use your own way
pip install secp256k1

Then generate your own private and public key pair:

python -m secp256k1 privkey -p

# ATTENTION! We intentionally replaced the last three digits of private key to be xxx.
# Your private key is EVERYTHING. NEVER expose it to others or reveal it anywhere publicly.
Public key: 03bce884894fdc4fb45475733be317dd3c289f003bceebb097ac79a6b95e6edc56

With this one key pair, you now create an Avatar secured by unbreakable cryptography.

Binding your Twitter account

From here, we're demonstrating the whole process by using a Twitter handle and key-pair as generated above. Replace all fields with your own information -- you'll be prompted to do so accordingly.

Please take note especially to replace your_twitter_handle.

Get a payload

If we're heading into space, there'll be a Rocket carrying us as a payload. Entering Cyberspace each time is similar.

First, let's get the payload needed to represent us. Calling REST API /proof/payload by using POSTMAN or using cURL in the command line:

Replace the identity and public_key fields with your own information, and it will return like:

"post_content": {
"default": "🎭 Verifying my Twitter ID @your_twitter_handle for @NextDotID.\nSig: %SIG_BASE64%\n\nInstall to enhance your Web3 experience.\n",
"en_US": "🎭 Verifying my Twitter ID @your_twitter_handle for @NextDotID.\nSig: %SIG_BASE64%\n\nInstall to enhance your Web3 experience.\n",
"zh_CN": "🎭 正在通过 @NextDotID 验证我的 Twitter 帐号 @your_twitter_handle 。\nSig: %SIG_BASE64%\n\n请下载安装 去增强您的 Web3 体验。\n"
"sign_payload": "{\"action\":\"create\",\"created_at\":\"1656843378\",\"identity\":\"your_twitter_handle\",\"platform\":\"twitter\",\"prev\":\"KNyNFtvhlRVJh/oU6RryK2n+C2dja9aLQPjlv5VHMsQErZROojEmMAgmeEQVC094EOuHIYcv3lCYXf8d3zqDCQE=\",\"uuid\":\"77f5ccaa-7919-4854-96de-81975f96744a\"}",
"uuid": "77f5ccaa-7919-4854-96de-81975f96744a",
"created_at": "1656843378"

sign_payload is the payload we're looking for. uuid and created_at are also required for the following steps.

Generate the signature

With the payload returned, we can go ahead to sign it. Git clones our open-source Demo in TypeScript to accomplish this.

Note: you'll need to set up Node.js and TypeScript before downloading, then go to install the required libs as ethereumjs-util.

Open the index.ts file under /src and replace the const message with the string sign_payload in the former step:

import { ecsign, toRpcSig, keccakFromString, BN } from 'ethereumjs-util';

async function personalSign(message: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer): Promise<Buffer> {
const messageHash = keccakFromString(`\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n${message.length}${message}`, 256)
const signature = ecsign(messageHash, privateKey)
return Buffer.from(toRpcSig(signature.v, signature.r, signature.s).slice(2), 'hex')

async function main() {
// this message come from the return attribute "sign_payload" of everytime calling API: v1/proof/payload
const message = Buffer.from('{\"action\":\"create\",\"created_at\":\"1656843378\",\"identity\":\"your_twitter_handle\",\"platform\":\"twitter\",\"prev\":\"KNyNFtvhlRVJh/oU6RryK2n+C2dja9aLQPjlv5VHMsQErZROojEmMAgmeEQVC094EOuHIYcv3lCYXf8d3zqDCQE=\",\"uuid\":\"353449e6-3a6f-4ac8-ae65-ba14bf466baf\"}', 'utf8');
// replace XXX with your own Private Key for generating a signature
const secretKey = Buffer.from('XXX', 'hex');
const signature = await personalSign(message, secretKey);

console.log(`Signature: 0x${signature.toString('hex')}`);
// For demo ONLY
// Signature: 0xf72fe6b00be411bd70ffe1b9bf322f18529ea10e9559dd26ba10387544849fc86d712709dfb709efc3dcc0a01b6f6b9ca98bd48fe780d58921f4926c6f2c0b871b

console.log(`Signature(base64): ${signature.toString('base64')}`);
// For demo ONLY
// Signature(base64): 9y/msAvkEb1w/+G5vzIvGFKeoQ6VWd0muhA4dUSEn8htcScJ37cJ78PcwKAbb2ucqYvUj+eA1Ykh9JJsbywLhxs=


Now we can run it properly. Go to the root directory to compile:

$ tsc

Go to the /disc directory to get it running:

$ node index.js

We will get two console.log outputs. One is the Signature(base64) that we're going to use for proof posting on Twitter.

Post a proof Tweet

Follow the format we get in calling /proof/payload, replace the Sig with Signature(base64) we just get and visit to tweet as below:

🎭 Verifying my Twitter ID @your_twitter_handle for @NextDotID.
Sig: 9y/msAvkEb1w/+G5vzIvGFKeoQ6VWd0muhA4dUSEn8htcScJ37cJ78PcwKAbb2ucqYvUj+eA1Ykh9JJsbywLhxs=


Then go to the detail page of this tweet, get its ID at the end of the URL like `1543541274254639104``:

This ID will be the proof_location we need for verification.

Verify the proof

We're getting close! Call the REST API /proof by using POSTMAN or using cURL in the command line:

It will return a code of 201 Created` and empty curly brackets :


Check your Avatar's status

All set! Let's go to have a look at our newly created Avatar.

Call REST API /proofwith GET method and with two fields of platform and identity:

We will get as below:

"pagination": {
"total": 4,
"per": 20,
"current": 1,
"next": 0
"ids": [
"avatar": "0x03bce884894fdc4fb45475733be317dd3c289f003bceebb097ac79a6b95e6edc56",
"proofs": [
"platform": "twitter",
"identity": "your_twitter_handle",
"created_at": "1656844114",
"last_checked_at": "1656844114",
"is_valid": true,
"invalid_reason": ""

Congrats! You have successfully created an Avatar on-chain and bound it to your Twitter account.